Many incorrectly liken the genesis of very low carbohydrate ketogenic diets (VLCKD) to the late Dr. Atkins. While Dr. Atkins played a seminal role in bringing VLCKD to the lime light in the later half of the 20st Century. VLCKD have been used for a long, with a long track record of safety and effectiveness (despite what the media or your local dietitian my try to tell you).
Dr. Atkins pasted away in 2003. Since then the use of VLCKD and carbohydrate restriction for weight loss and the prevention of cardiovascular disease has continued to increase in use and popularity. Much of this continued growth in low carb popularity can be attributed to the work of several (so called) renegade scientists that have chosen to follow what the scientific data says even if that means questioning long standing and accepted nutritional dogma.
Remember there are many different ways you can 'cut carbs'.
Last week, I was fortunate enough to spend a good deal of time with one of these scientists, Dr. Jeff Volek, as he was brought in by the Nutrition Department at Penn State to share his findings on carbohydrate restriction and metabolic syndrome. Here are some take ways points from Dr. Volek's talk.
-You lose more weight and gain more muscle when you combine a low carb diet and resistance training compared to just a low carb diet or just resistance training – there seems to be some additive effect.
-People on low carb diets can eat 3x the saturated fat compared to people on a low fat diet and still have lower levels of saturated fat in their blood.
-Calorie restriction has been touted as a way to slow/stop aging. You can impact the same biological markers by restricting carbohydrates (while NOT restricting calories).
-Often times when people in Dr. Volek's studies go on low carbohydrate diets they end up increasing their vegetable consumption (this is sad but I'm sure reflective of the American population's lack of vegetable consumption).
-Metabolic Syndrome is becoming a huge problem in the U.S. and worldwide; carbohydrate restriction attacks all the problem areas of metabolic syndrome more comprehensively than any drug or treatment available.
-The obesity problem in the U.S. is driven by uncontrolled insulin levels. The best way to control insulin is to control its most powerful stimulator – carbohydrates.
-Carbohydrates have traditionally been considered a macronutrient but in reality they are not essential for human function.
-The level of ketoisis achieved from carbohydrate restriction is completely different from the ketoacidosis that a diabetic may experience (ketosis from carbohydrate restriction is much much lower and within safe ranges).
Remember when embarking on your weight loss journey it is essential to reduce your carbohydrate intake. It is not necessary to go to ketogenic levels but restricting starchy carbohdyrates and decreasing your overall carb intake is what you need to do in order to maximize weight loss in the shortest amount of time.
“Never Count Calories Again! Free 47 minute video reveals the secret to losing weight without counting calories ever again! To Download your copy visit Mike Roussell is an author and nutrition doctoral student at Pennsylvania State University. Mike writings can be found in Men’s Health and Men’s Fitness and Ironman Magazines. Learn more at”
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