Diet-30 Tips

5/24/09 |

by roberto

If you add the below mentioned weight loss tips in your day-to-day lifestyle, you will not only feel better, but also look better. Avoid trying to do all these weight loss tips at once, since they do not work well with everybody.

Pick one, and practice it for a week, see if you are comfortable, if not choose another one. If you really want to reduce your weight, then have patience since you may have to wait at least three months to witness the positive outcomes of your weight loss programs.

A few Effective Weight loss Tips:

Below cited are some of the weight loss tips that will help you to cut down the additional pounds that you gained due to an improper diet plan.

1. This is the most vital and natural weight loss tips according to many dieticians. It is advisable to take fruits and vegetables, since they contain beneficial vitamins, fibers and antioxidants.

2. Eating ample of fresh fruits is one of the most effective weight loss tips. This is especially of great use when you eat these fruits between mealtimes. Since, this helps to regulate your sugar level and cravings.

3. Have fresh vegetables with everyday lunch and evening mealtime. Avoid mixing of proteins with starch.

4. Maintain meat consumption to less than 4 to 5 servings a week, which means you need to take vegetarian dishes too.

5. Replace meat with legumes, but begin gradually. You can make use of lentils, peas, and dry beans.

6. Avoid drinking liquids during mealtime. If you feel thirsty, try to drink a bottle of water after 10 minutes.

7. If you take less amount of meal, it may help to balance your intake of calorie level. Beside this, it keeps your sugar level well balanced. Instead of having three big meals a day, it is advisable and beneficial to have 5 to 6 light and small meals all through the day.

8. Pop, cream, juices and sugar in your tea or coffee can add up your weight. Instead, drink at least eight glasses of water each day, since it provides hydration to your body and helps to feel full.

9. Most dieticians also suggest 30 to 60 minutes of physical exercise daily to remain healthy and to cut down those extra pounds.

10. If you really want to cut down your weight, you need to avoid alcohol. Since, these substances are rich in calorie and add additional weight on your body.

11-Nearly every guy or gal who's tried dieting or fitness has dropped out of a program at least once. Such is life. Work and social events tend to get in the way, lack of adequate emotional support saps the willpower and boredom sets in. Eating the same kind of foods every day is boring. Suiting up at the gym only to go through the same motions is also boring. But this kind of mood can be avoided with a bit of planning and a positive attitude. Here's a list of the most common mistakes people do when trying to get fit.

12-The number one mistake has to be the failure to plan ahead. Going to the gym with a vague target in mind is the best way to fail. If your target is unclear, how can you know if you've reached it or not? If you're a little vague on the details, maybe you need help. Ask a doctor what's your ideal weight and make that your goal. Or focus on the number of inches you want to drop off your stomach, bottom and thighs. That works great, too.

13-Coming up with excuses to avoid going to the gym is second on this list. Yes, life tends to get in the way, but that can be arranged with some more planning. Don't quit the program just because something came up at the last moment. Reschedule your gym session and make sure you don't get lazy.

14-Don't work out too little. This may seem too obvious to belong here, but a lot of people lift two dumbbells a couple of times and think they're done for the day. Sit down at the table for half an hour and come up with a sound training program. If you don't know enough to make your own program ask a gym trainer or a veteran bodybuilder to help you. People are usually quite happy to show off their knowledge.

15Too much fitness is also bad. Muscles need time to grow and the body needs time to burn fat. Some people think that the body only burns up fat during exercises, but this is not true. The more muscles mass you have, the faster calories get burnt because muscles need energy for maintenance all the time. Even when you're resting. Overtraining will simply make you tired without any additional benefits.

16-Never compare yourself to others. We are all unique individuals with unique genetic make-ups governing our weight gain, weight loss and response to training. You shouldn't rate your performance according to the achievements of others, but stick to your own pace and your own goal. If you're trying too hard too soon, you're simply asking to fail.

17-Don't do the same things over and over. There's no better way to lose motivation that doing the same exercises in the same order over and over again. Learn to juggle around with the exercises that form your routine and replace them with new ones every now and then. Find variations on a classic exercise and try them out. Make things interesting for yourself

18-Don't stroll into the pub straight from the gym and keep alcohol consumption on a tight leash. Alcohol has extra calories that you don't want and is also metabolized as fat and very fast. Pumping iron in the gym for 45 minutes and then throwing the entire effort away with a couple of beers is not a good way to move forward.

19-Keep a close eye on your meals. Drop the fast food and snacks from your daily eating plan and forget about soft drinks. At the same time avoid starving yourself. This is a huge mistake and a lot of people do it. Never assume that you can tank your way through a fitness program while starving yourself because you'll only end up in a hospital. Muscles need nourishing meals in order to grow and starvation is a bad way to diet anyway.

20-And, lastly, never look for a magic fix that can save you all the trouble. You can't lose weight sitting around and moping in front of the TV or computer. It just doesn't happen. So get out and go to that gym because it's good for you. And no excuses!

21-The Atkins diet is the most admired of the top 10 diets. This low-carbohydrate diet encourages the elimination of carbohydrates from your diet. The diet really works and you can munch as much as fats and proteins you want. However, before starting this diet, study a bit to know the suitability of this diet for your body.

22-South Beach Diet

This diet is one of the most successful of the top 10 diets to lose weight. It is not a low-fat or low-carb diet. Instead, it focuses on consuming the correct amount of fats and carbs. The diet depends on the glycemic index. It limits the intake of carbs in the initial two weeks and then re-introduces those carbs with a low glycemic index. You need to eat three healthy meals daily, along with some snacks, provided they are healthy enough.

23-Cabbage Soup Diet

It is also one of the effective of the top 10 diets. The diet contains insignificant amount of calories. You will observe instant weight loss, if you stick to cabbage soup diet for a week. The more soup you consume, more pounds you drop.

24-Grapefruit Diet

This is the finest weight loss diet for obese people. The advantages of this diet arrive from the addition of grapefruit to a low-calorie and low-fat diet.

25-SlimFast Diet

This is also one of the superior of the top 10 diets. The diet restores your breakfast and lunch meals, with two SlimFast shakes, and puts ahead for a usual meal for dinner. These low calorie shakes will help you to lose weight.

26-Subway Diet

It is also a well-known diet of the top 10 diets. The low fat content in the Subway sandwiches assist you to lose weight.

27-The Beverly Hills Diet

This diet reaps the benefits of the natural chemical reaction of foods when consumed to lose weight. The diet is quite strict, as protein needs to go with proteins and carbohydrates with carbohydrates only. The diet is exceptionally restrictive, but motivates rapid weight loss.

28-3-Day Diet

This is also one of best of top 10 diets. The diet can be ideal to lose weight, if you can follow a three-day meal plan without wandering from it.

29-Apple Cider Vinegar Diet

This is one of the sensitive diets of the top 10 diets. Hence, you need to follow it carefully. It is a low-calorie diet, which stimulates quick weight loss.

30-Negative Calorie Diet

This is one of the ultimate types of diet among the top 10 diets to reduce weight. It includes addition of healthy vegetables to your diet as much as possible.

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