Balancing your pH with The Alkaline Diet/ pH diet

1/25/10 |

by Tatiana Timoshkina

What is the PH BALANCE ?

Your body…like everything else in life, needs balance.Our Life requires combination of two opposing forces coming together in BALANCE.Night and day, light and dark, hot and cold, positive and negative, acid and alkaline.

Everything in life…MUST have a properly pH balanced.Your body is very process oriented…it's like an assembly line. If something's missing, the given task goes uncompleted. And that's not good. Living healthy life is a PROCESS…not an event.There's no magic solution in life but there are a lot of great resources you can learn on.


Everything in life has  pH balanced environment in the inside and the outside of it in order to live. One of the most important factors that impacts environment is pH… the balance between acid elements and alkaline elements.Your body is no different.

The way where you want your body to be is in the balance between acid and alkaline.

You need both to live but they must exist in balance. Dr. Robert Young (creator of pH miracle diet) stresses that a body that is ravaged by excess acid will be more prone to serious health problems. If your body becomes acidic, problems begin. If it becomes chronically acidic, you now have the type of environment that breeds a whole host of health problems.

If we fail to keep our systems in balance, and we become acid based, our bone formation will be reduced, calcium will be lost in our urine (leading to kidney stone formation), proteins will breakdown causing our muscles to waste away, our systems will be unable to repair cells, tissues and organs fully, our systems will age at an accelerated pace, more free radicals will be produced, we will be subject to increased fluid retention, and so forth.

If you want to experience vibrant life, you need to create a vibrant environment on the inside of your body with the right pH. Inner balance…pH balance…will create the outer balance you desire. The optimal pH for your blood and fluids that make up over 70% of your body weight is roughly 7.37. That means a pH that's slightly alkaline.

First step you have to know what is the pH of your body.  Test Your pH.You can go to your local health store and buy some ph test strips. Simply test the ph of your urine in the morning, and you'll know where you stand.

First of all, understand that if you are really acidic right now, you should probably approach the solution in an unbalanced manner…because it’s something you should begin changing right away. Also, if you’ve been living in an unbalanced manner for a while – in the acidic ditch – live in the alkaline ditch for a bit until you get in balance.

Our bodies have 3 methods of getting rid of unwanted “poisons”.

First, our lungs supply our bodies with much needed oxygen. Exercise helps cleanse our system,because it requires lots of heavy breathing, which gives us a double dose of oxygen Second, our kidneys filter unwanted waste products which we don’t need. Drink lots of pure,and hopefully ionized or ozone rich water, which will keep our kidneys healthy, as well as supply needed oxygen to our systems.

Third, our skin filters out other things, through our perspiration (which is also produced through exercise).

The best way to build your pH is the way how you eat. The Alkaline Diet/ pH diet is built on certain foods contribute to acidification of your body, and some help to alkalize your body. Acid and  alkaline foods in the pH miracle diet is the main concept of diet. The purpose of the pH miracle diet is to create a permanent way of living for you stressing the idea of balance. The pH miracle diet is a revolutionary new way to look at how you eat.Alkaline/acidity pH balance diet shows a way how a simple change in diet to restore your acid-alkaline balance can result in vast improvements in health. How to determine your acid levels and how to design a diet best suited for your particular health needs.

Many people who start out don't take enough time to look for complete listings of the pH levels of the foods they eat. There are many lists available online and in various books that offer food lists that break the groups down into acids and alkalis. Making sure to choose a comprehensive list will guarantee whole nutrition. A list that includes supplements, herbs, spices, and condiments is the most desirable. You want the most complete list possible including those foods which are neutral. Paying attention to how many foods are being ingested from the acid and alkali sides is a great way to ensure proper balance in the diet.

The Alkaline Diet/PH miracle diet is the way of eating which can totally change your life. It is a revelation, a way of looking at the world in a new light. The pH Miracle Diet will bring you increased quality and quantity of life. Balancing your pH using PH Miracle Diet you will realize how much better you feel and how far the benefits go. Follow all principles of the Alkaline Diet/PH miracle diet because there is only place in a world where we enjoy life it is our healthy body.

About the Author:

Tatiana is a creator of website based on a book of Dr.Young pH miracle diet.I had a major health problem and I did a lot of research to find a way to fight for life.After my transition into Ph balanced eating I strongly recommend follow all principles of the diet.For more recomendations visit my blog:


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