The Secrets About Weight Loss Diets That The Weight Loss Industry Is Keeping From You

2/10/10 |

by Charles Volcalatte

Do you know that all weight loss diets make you fat? Sorry, but that’s the shocking and unfortunate truth. Sure you may lose a few pounds but you eventually gain them back, with a few extra ones thrown in.

Haven’t you noticed that there are literally hundreds of diets and diet products in the market? There are people struggling with a weight problem for some time who have gone from one diet program to another to no avail. They deprive themselves of food, lose some weight then start packing in the pounds again clueless as to how this vicious cycle is wreaking havoc on their one’s health and metabolism.

All hope is not lost however. I can give you the answer but before that, a major revelation: It is not the dieter or you that is entirely to blame. One of the biggest obstacles in weight control is the weight loss Industry!

You read it right. Remember that the weight loss industry is foremost a business and contrary to what you may have been led to believe, there are many weight loss companies that want you to “Fail”. Sure they do because otherwise they would go bankrupt!

Let’s take another look at the pattern. You go on an unnatural starvation diet, you lose weight, you gain it all back (and more), then the industry lays a guilt trip on you for giving up. Familiar eh?

In the first place, why be guilty about doing something crazy like sticking to a totally unhealthy starvation diet? It may not make a lot of sense but it does happen.

Unfortunately, people get so emotionally caught up in their weight problem that they fail to see it from the business point of view. Let this be an eye opener that you may finally break free from that vicious cycle and perhaps achieve that seemingly elusive weight loss success.

Here’s a simple example. Imagine that you live in smalltown USA where there is no weight loss clinic but the place is big enough to support one. You decide that it’s a good business to get into so you do some Serious Research. You discover that you have two options:

1.You can develop a good diet plan that would yield fast results. Because it’s a diet, everyone who tries it is Guaranteed to gain back all the weight he or she has lost. Now you have a profitable Business that would keep your bank account well stocked until and well beyond your twilight years, or…

2.You can teach everyone the healthy way to lose weight as well as how to sustain the weight loss then close shop in one to two years because there’s no overweight person left to patronize your business.

So which one would you choose? Is my point clearer now? Let me throw in a few hard facts to nail down my case. The weight loss industry in the USA and in Canada combined, is worth more than $44 Billion annually while the failure rate is over 98%.

It all boils down to what I have pointed out earlier, that all diets are designed to make you fat, er, fatter! The faster you lose weight by following any kind of weight loss diet, the faster you gain all the weight back. The reason for this, let me reiterate, is because all weight loss diets, WITHOUT EXCEPTION, slow down your metabolism and the objective of every weight loss clinic is to make you believe that they hold the key to your success.

Now here’s the rub. A weight loss diets which deprives you of food actually causes long term weight gain, and conversely, adding food to your diet will result in long term or even permanent weight loss! The thing is, it has to be the right food.

In our weight loss program we observe one Major Rule: NO DIETING OF WHATEVER FORM! Our students are allowed to eat whatever they like and we even add real food to their diet, then we help to easily change. It works, 100% of the time.

Our main objective is to help people shift their focus from destroying their metabolism through weight loss dieting, to rebuilding it which will melt the fat away. Now that you know the Secrets, you can finally get rid of fat for good.

Here’s another thing eye opening fact-98% of everything you know about weight loss, whether you realize it or not, was taught to you by the weight loss diet Industry.

Now that you’re in to its not-so-little secret, resolve never to be scammed again.

About the Author:
Charles Volcolatte is a health and weight loss researcher for He writes and researches actively on Weight Loss Information Reviews and shares his knowledge at where he works as a staff writer.


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